Russell Crowe gave Canberra the “impressive” tick when he joined Kristen and Nige during their show. 

The Gladiator star spoke about how Canberra has changed and evolved since he first visited in 1971, when he was a student during a classic Canberra school excursion. 

He remarked on how he has been privileged to see the growth of the now lush trees that were once “mere twigs” and has seen the groundwork and planning of the city unfold.

“It’s pretty impressive man, when you fly in.”

The actor mentioned that it’s a place we should all be proud of, and he’s right.

Crowe, who’s been to the Capital a few times for work, admitted that he didn’t have much time to socialise in the city. 

Crowe is excited about revisiting the city with his upcoming show Crowe’s Indoor Garden Party on the 6th of June, at the Canberra Theatre.


You can book your tickets now on the Canberra Theatre website. 

Listen to the full chat here: